Online application submission is not confirmation of your consultation with our lawyers. Please await a confirmation email, which will be sent to you once your consultation with our lawyers has been scheduled.

    (*) Required field

    Name (*)

    Last 4 characters of your NRIC/FIN (SXXXX123A) (*)

    Address (*)

    Email (*)

    Gender (*)

    Marital Status (*)

    Age (*)

    Tel.No. Home/Office, Handphone (*)

    Race (*)

    Religion (*)

    How did you find out about CLG? (*)


    You are required to provide basic information at the point of registration so that our lawyers (assisted by law students from NUS and SMU) can familiarise themselves with your issue ahead of the appointment. The more information you provide, the better prepared our lawyers can be.

    What is the nature of your legal issue? (Please tick all that apply) (*):

    Divorce / Claims for Maintenance / Custody of Children / Division of Property / VariationPersonal Protection Orders (PPO)Probate (Estate Matters)Basic Advice on Criminal MattersPersonal Accident or InjuryBasic Advice on WillsEmployment Issues (non-payment of salary, unfair dismissal, discrimination, etc.)Basic Advice on Tenancy IssuesBankruptcyClaimsImmigrationOthers

    If you have selected "Others", please specify:

    Detailed description of issue (Please limit your Message to 3000 characters):

    Where relevant, please scan and upload any supporting documents, such as copies of contracts & agreements, emails, letters, and legal papers.

    Please limit your file name to 20 characters and attachment size to 1MB.
    Allowed file types: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, img, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip.

    Consent for Use of Personal Data: I fully understand and agree that the personal data which I have provided to the Catholic Lawyers Guild is true, accurate and not misleading as at the time of disclosure, and for the Catholic Lawyers Guild to collect and retain such personal data for the purposes of my attendance at the pro-bono legal clinic and any related purposes thereto. I agree for the Catholic Lawyers Guild Singapore to contact me for any other purposes related to the services that the Catholic Lawyers Guild is/are providing or had provided me with, and/or on matters which I have an ongoing relationship with the Catholic Lawyers Guild.

    Disclaimer of Liability: The purpose of the Catholic Lawyers Guild - Free Legal Clinic is to provide gratuitous advice to all who are in need, regardless of their religious faith. The advice given at these sessions shall be as a matter of guidance and comfort only and is not intended to replace, substitute or supplement legal advice and legal action that may be needed in each case. The information provided by the attendee to the volunteer lawyers at these sessions shall be kept confidential. Please note that the volunteer lawyers are under a legal prohibition to act any further for the attendee who attends at these sessions. For the gratuitous advice given at these sessions, the Catholic Lawyers Guild and its volunteer lawyers shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any such advice or information provided at these sessions.

    By submitting this form, I hereby confirm that, I understand the role of the volunteer lawyers and the above disclaimer of liability and I agree not to hold the volunteer lawyers or the Catholic Lawyers Guild (Singapore) responsible for any advice, guidance, and/or information given.